CASUAL GIRL STYLE 

When you hear ‘casual’, you probably think ‘frumpy’; and the casual fashion style could really be ANYTHING but frumpy! Women who indulge in the casual fashion style don’t grab the exotic and bold items off the shelves. They would much rather prefer a simple white tee and a pair of black pants with a coordinating and trendy purse. The entire look is very modern and uncluttered with an extra touch of subtle elegance.Being casual can mean a lot of things depending on whether you’re referring to having a casual physical appearance, attitude, or dating style. If you’re casual in appearance, you may dress more comfortably and wear t-shirts, leggings, and/or denim. Those with a casual attitude may have a carefree, relaxed, laid-back attitude and approach to most situations. Casual dating typically involves easy-going, fun interactions without the pressure of commitment or emotional investment. To be more casual overall, try to dress, act and think, and/or date more casually.